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GII Network


Korean Government report

2020 National Informatization White Paper

I. Current State of National Informatization
1. Progress and Changes in the Environment
2. Key Achievements
3. Level of Informatization

II. COVID-19 and the Digital New Normal
1. Digital Society in Response to Pandemic
2. Unprecedented Pandemic and New Roles of ICT

III. Speeding up Digital Transformation in Korea
1. Ever-Expanding Digital Economy and the Emergence of the Data Economy
2. Change of Life and Industry in the Era of Digital Transformation
3. Transformation of Digital Service in Public Administration

IV. Development of Intelligent Digital Infrastructure
1. Intelligent Digital Technology and Industry
2. Protection of Intelligent Information and Personal Data

V. Intelligent Infrastructure Industry and Services
1. Current Status of ICT and Broadcasting Industry
2. Use of Digital Services and Digital Inclusion
