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GII Network


2019 Global Commercialization Conference and Workshopn on May 8th-10th

<<2019 Global Commercialization Conference and Workshop will be held on 8th-10th May>>


The workshop will be held under the theme of ?Global Commercialization Workshop for Innovative Development” on May 8th to 10th in KAIST Daejeon, Korea. Through this event, we are expecting to have the professional entities in the field of ICT&AI, Energy, New Materials, Bio, Health, Cosmetics, Smart Agriculture, and Investment. In addition, there will be not only strategies of global cooperative network for technology commercialization but practical acknowledgement by international and domestic experts of technology transfer, co-research project, and ways of collaboration.



Please kindly find attached refleat which can show you the specific schedule of it.




If you any question about it, feel free to contact me. 

(Areum, Hong)

+82 042-350-6393
